August 26, 2014
We get this question frequently since as someone put it, "you all are in the middle of no where!"
Well, of course we all know that this area sits in a premium location to get to the "big" stuff if one wants, but is perfect for savoring the spices of life: family, friends, and fellowship! So with that said, we feel we are right where we have been destined!
That brings me to the real answer: because we were destined for this! Destined by God, and I don't say this flippantly. These are miracles for which we give thanks daily:
It seems God was planting the seed when February of 2003 we celebrated our 20th anniversary driving up the coast of California spending the last two days in Sonoma and Napa. We were surrounded by vineyards, vineyards, and even more vineyards!! John, chapter 15 seemed to come alive, and we could picture Jesus sitting with his disciples in the vineyard teaching them about discipline and His pruning to get abundant fruit the following year. And then to get the call that July to purchase the home place that would germinate that seed into a vision of our own vineyard and winery!